
Mealtime Solutions: Grocery Shopping

Grocery Shopping

Planning your trips to the supermarket will not only make meal preparation easier and smoother, it allows you to make better choices that are good for your diet and your wallet. Cooking and baking at home is more economical and generally more nutritious than eating out all the time.

Smarter Shopping – Cooking Matters, a campaign run by Share Our Strength, has been helping families lead healthier lives for over 30 years. Check out their budget hacks for more effective food shopping.

Grocery Planning – Planning grocery shopping is also critical for healthy eating. MyPlate.gov has created a quick downloadable reference guide to help consumers.

There are also lots of grocery planning apps for your smartphone. Check them out on your phone’s app store. Some are free and others require a small purchase.

Meal Planning w/ Grocery Shopping in Mind – In addition to the resources in our meal planning section, the USDA has provided a lot of helpful information for planning meals with grocery shopping in mind.

Use their resources for meal planning and grocery shopping to help you stick to your budget and eat healthy at home. Topics range from nutrition on a budget to holiday meals to making the most of shopping seasonally.

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