
Baking Education

Learning to bake launches essential living skills while achieving core education goals for literacy, sciences, math, art, and social sciences. There are many baking STEM and career connections with agricultural commodities, ingredient food sciences, retail baking, milling and baking engineering and technology.  

The list of educational resources below aim to help parents, teachers, schools and school administrators facilitate student learning and provide social care and interaction. These resources are free and cater to students speaking English and Spanish languages.

It is Home Baking Association’s intention to produce resources that have a wide reach, and reference additional resources produced by member and partner organizations.

Cookie Science Ingredient Functions

Cookie Science Teaching Strategies

Cookie Lab Results Chart, excerpt from Baker’s Dozen Lab 7

Red Star Yeast Baking Resources for Educators

Baking Ingredient Myths and Sciences PPT

Baking Resources

Baking STEAM: Measurement Matters

You’ve Got Flour! Baking STEAM, Sourdough Baking

Why Bake? (Lab 1: Baker’s Dozen)

You’ve Got Flour? Now What?

Sourdough Baking Resources

Everybody Bakes Bread

Scoop, Spoon and Scale Activity

Measuring temperature is critical to success in baking, whether it’s checking water temps for yeast, monitoring the temperature of ingredients like butter and flour, or verifying the doneness of the finished product. Check out this informative video, and special educator offer!

C&H Baking Guide

Before You Begin Baking, Take Time to Review the Following Documents

Safe Kitchen Checklist

Did You Know? Video resource

Baking Food Safety 101 Checklist and Temperature Guide

How to Measure for Baking, Liquid and Dry

Need ingredient substitutions? Go to p. 1, #2 in
Kitchen Science: Baking for Special Needs

Early Childhood:  Pre-K to 2nd Grade

 Sugar Association Resources Toolkit K-2

    • Where in the US Does Sugar Come From?

    • Farm to Table Coloring Book 

    • One Tooth, Two Teeth

    • Variety’s Mountain

5 Minute Baking Activities


For young children prepare a play clay or dough that is cooked.
When children help prepare or shape raw (unbaked) dough, don’t allow them to taste or eat it.
Always wash hands after mixing batter or shaping dough

Age-appropriate skills to learn with adult or older youth’s supervision

Post a Food Skills Checklist so they can see their skills add up!

Explore about baking ingredients, farm to mixing bowl. Wheat, Field to Flour Mill

Farm to Mill to Baker Video: Kansas State U. Extension Kidsacookin.org

Adventures of Sugar Beet and Sugar Cane

Meet A Wheat Farmer

Dairy Farmers

Access Bakeworks for the foundation learning baking offers early childhood

Choose from step-by-step recipes

Choose from our Book and Bake guides to enjoy more baking, and reading together

Baking with Friends offers even more baking resources!

Flour Tortilla sample recipe from Baking with Friends

Elementary Age Students

Sugar Association Resources Toolkit Grades 3-6

    • Get to Know Sugar Beet and Sugar Cane

    • Types of Sugar 

    • Where does sugar come from? 

    • Sugar Beet and Sugar Cane Processing 

    • Sugar’s role in food beyond sweetness

    • What is Molasses?

Print and post a Food Skills Checklist so they can see their skills add up!

Checklist Step 1:  Go to Take Time to Review and do #1 through #5.

Checklist Step 2:  Enjoy learning more about baking’s ingredients, field to oven!

Wheat Farmer Activity Book

Story of Wheat

Meet Me At the Flour Mill Video

Types of Sugars

Where in the US Does Sugar Come From?

Sugar Beet Processing

Sugar Cane Processing

The Difference Between Baking Soda and Baking Powder

Explore the History, Culture and Science of Yeast


View how to prepare the dough and bake a loaf of bread

Search and read some of our test kitchen recipes that fit your experience level

Bake for the good of your family! Enjoy the complete Bake for Good guide to baking a whole grain bread or rolls.

Baking with Friends offers more great baking with fun to do recipes for your family or meals.

Check out this Monkey Bread recipe from Baking with Friends

Explore why bakers bake the products they do and how they market them.  A Bakers Dozen Labs, Lab 1, Why Bake?

Secondary Age Students

Sugar Association Resources Toolkit Grades 7-12

    • How Well Do You Know Sugar

    • 9 Misunderstandings

    • Types of Sugar

    • Sweeteners you might find in your food

    • What are Added Sugars?o Facts about sugar intake

    • Where in the US does Sugar come from? 

    • Sugar Beet Processing

    • Sugar Cane Refining

    • Sugar’s role in food beyond sweetness

    • What is Molasses 

    • Avoiding Misinformation

    • Bite Sized Tips on Portion Control

    • STEAM Packet


Science Experiment: Flour Absorption and Gluten Development

Explore the wide variety of grains and flours being baked with today

Dine IN! Choose and prepare a Mealtime Solution for your family

The Family Dinner Project

Bake with the pros, visit our test kitchen members.  See how they blog, create new recipes and teach the art of baking. Write a blog about one new idea you’ve gained from these baking pros.


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