Check out these featured videos from HBA members in celebration of Bake for Family Fun Month! The Home Baking Association (HBA) has designated February as “Bake for Family Fun Month” and has resources, recipes and activities to help families get started!

Nothing says, “I think you’re swell,” like Strawberry Shortcake for the one you love.
Chocolate chip cookies! Nothing gets a kiddo baking like cookies, and this recipe has a secret ingredient that gets them eaten up almost immediately!
Wheat really Is a remarkable crop that yields so much to the entire world. Learn how flour Is made In this Informative video!
As societies and populations have grown, the demand for baked goods has grown as well. Today, people not only want more baked goods than ever, but also greater variety, while always the finest quality. For over fifty years now, Kansas State University has worked closely with industry to satisfy these evolving tastes and demands. Learn more!
Want to get your kids involved in cooking, prepping or cleaning up in the kitchen? This video is for you! Learn how to engage kids in activities in the kitchen with these fun tips. Cooking Matters is helping end childhood hunger by inspiring families to make healthy food choices. Our programs help parents and caregivers struggling with limited food budgets learn how to shop for and cook healthy, affordable meals. Cooking Matters is a program of Share Our Strength, an organization working to end hunger and poverty.

Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) video series to compliment our STEAM packet designed for grades 7-12. Learn about sugar’s history, how it is naturally made by plants, its impact on the environment, why it is added to foods and more. More info here!
Meet the Farmer Behind Every Bag of All-Purpose Flour – Knowing where food comes from helps children understand the origins and processes involved in producing food, promotes healthy eating habits and increases their appreciation for the effort and resources that go into growing and producing their food. It also fosters a connection to the environment, which can lead to better decision-making and a greater respect for the natural world.
The mission of the North Dakota Mill is to promote and provide support to North Dakota agriculture, commerce and industry. Provide superior quality, consistency and service to our customers. Grow the business and provide a profit to our owners -the citizens of North Dakota. Conduct our business with the highest integrity so that our employees, customers, suppliers and owners are proud to be associated with the North Dakota Mill.