Why Dine In?

Research shows that people who eat home-cooked meals regularly tend to be happier, healthier and consume fewer processed foods, which can result in better mental health and higher energy levels. These studies also show that restaurant meals typically contain higher amounts of sodium, saturated fat, total fat, and overall calories than home-cooked meals. Eating home-cooked meals five or more days a week is even associated with a longer life.
Cooking and eating together creates closer bonds and helps build lifelong memories. You can also use the time to listen, share and talk with your child because eating at home gives the entire family time to talk about their day. Eating together is linked to less obesity, kids doing better in school, and less substance abuse within the family And in the long run, preparing meals at home may save you money.

AAFCS Dine-In Day – Since 2014, nearly half a million people have committed to “Dining In” on Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS) Day, December 3rd, the birthday of American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences founder Ellen Swallow Richards. Let’s celebrate this tradition by promoting the importance and value of our profession and the pledge!

Better Nutrition for Kids – It starts in the kitchen! This presentation by author and educator Connie Evers discusses an effective approach for teaching kids about nutrition that is fun, integrated into meal service and behavior based.

The Family Dinner Project – Sharing a fun family meal is good for the spirit, brain and health of all family members. Since 2010, The Family Dinner Project has championed family dinner as an opportunity for family members to connect with each other through food, fun and conversation. Want to join? All you need to do is share a meal with the people who are closest to you.

Locally Made – Learn to bake for locally-made, carbon-reducing benefits. This HBA blog post, written in celebration of Earth Day, gives you a step by step approach.

No Kid Hungry – A bake sale is a simple way to raise money for hungry kids. Gather your friends, family or coworkers, and your favorite recipes, and start baking. No Kid Hungry is on a mission to end childhood hunger in America.