
Dine-In with Neighbors as Family!

Dine-In with Neighbors as Family!

Dine-In with Neighbors as Family!

Keeping in mind the holidays can be lonely for people who may be right next door—at home, work or in the communities where we live.  Make it light-hearted and join Dining In for Healthy Families Campaign, December 3, 2019.

The event host is HBA partner American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) and it’s December 3rd, 2019

The 2019 focus is Neighbors as Family.  Locate a flyer here

How could I or my company participate?

  1. Plan to eat with a neighbor and “Dine In.”  Neighbors are everywhere! Home, work, someone you know who seldom gets out…you get it!
  2. Make it “pot luck’,” cook together, or host.  Dine in together at your home, community club house, a work place room, Senior center or faith place. 
  3. Want inspiration? Check out HBA’s Mealtime Solutions!
  4. Post one of your favorite “dining in recipes,  #FCSDay  and  #HomeBaking
  5. Send  us your recipe and photo so HBA can add to our recipe site!

Send to HBA social media staff, Kimberly, kfields199@aol.com .

What will Sharon do?  I plan to invite neighbors to share a favorite Quiche and prepare mine.  The recipe comes from where I actually made my first Quiche, Stafford Co., KS!  It’s the Hudson Cream Flour recipe.

(I always sprinkle in about a cup of chopped fresh spinach with the cheese!)

Show your commitment and sign up for “Dining In”

Event Contact: Nancy Bock, Sr. Director, AAFCS Communications and Marketing, nbock@aafcs.org

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