
Power Baking for Summer

Power Baking for Summer

Power Baking for Summer

What do camping, biking, hiking, kayaking, swimming all have to do with baking? Home baked is so good-to-go when you are! Check out what the fitness pros and dietitians recommend re: fuel for on-the-move men, women and kids. Videos Here

Baking portable carbs is perfect for the action. Bagels, soft pretzels, biscotti, flat breads and bread sticks are all great, healthy snack and meal options.

Sue Gray, Director of Research and Development, King Arthur Baking Company shared these healthy baking tips: “We advocate small ingredient adjustments when trying to make a healthier product, maybe using 20 percent whole wheat flour to start. If those end products are well received, then add more whole grain flour or reduce more of the sugar or salt in the recipe if needed. People don’t tend to notice small, incremental changes in healthier baked goods, but they will reject a bigger change in foods they like.” Accessed in E-Kernels Spring Magazine

King Arthur Flour Everyday Whole Grain Bread, Bake for Good program

Two “greats” from King Arthur Baking are Classic Soft Pretzels and their Everyday Wholegrain Bread, the recipe baked by 300,000 kids in their Bake for Good program, a personal favorite of Sue Gray.

Check out this recipe here!

A “bread with a twist” soft pretzel tutorial can be found here!

No time to shape? Savory or sweet, bread sticks are great portable food too!

The power of baking has so MANY benefits. “While our need for convenience is returning, I believe people still seek the comfort that home baked goods provide. We can focus on shorter and easier-to-make recipes, so people are not intimidated.

Check out this link to a video that makes Ms Gray smile every time she watches it!

Thank you Sue Gray and the King Arthur Baking Company!

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