There’s so much to share with you about baking this month, we almost didn’t have room in the calendar! This month’s Baker’s Calendar is jam-packed with helpful resources, reminders, tips and baking hacks to make your summer deliciously perfect in every way.

Don’t let the Fourth of July pass without trying some new recipes that your students and family will be sure to enjoy!

Did you know July 19th is Ice Cream Day? It would only make sense something so delicious would deserve a day of its own! Make the most of the occasion and dress up your ice cream using this “Shake and Make” soft serve method.

Cheesecake, cheesecake, cheesecake… it’s all about the cheesecake! There are hundreds of reasons why you should enjoy cheesecake, but be sure to add coupling it with peaches to your list! Happy Cheesecake Day!
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