In Carla Schaer’s Illinois FCS class, students learn pizza production hands-on. Says Carla: “The pizza unit is a favorite of Midland H.S. FCS students. It provides experience baking with yeast, flour and dough safe food handler skills that apply at home and in food services careers. Students prepare a basic one-topping pizza, fruit pizza, vegetable pizza, and dessert pizzas. Recently I obtained a grant and purchased two outdoor pizza ovens from Good Life Pizza Ovens ( Following successful yeast bread and pizza baking labs, students were eager to share their new pizza oven skills with families by offering our first Family Pizza Night, creatively dubbed by students a ‘Mozzarella Mash.’”

Provided by HBA Educator Award Winner Carla Schaer, Family & Consumer Sciences Teacher, Midland High School, IL with Sharon Davis, FCS Education,
Download Mozzarella Mash Lesson Plan
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