Americans love pizza, so much so there’s an entire month dedicated to celebrating the dish. (October is National Pizza Month) American families eat so much pizza they consume the equivalent of 100 acres of pizza a day. Can you imagine? 100 acres of pizza a day! And who makes all that pizza? Well, Lots of pizzerias… that’s for sure! But there is currently a DIY movement in America that has many people making pizza at home. In fact, pizza is a great recipe that can be prepared and enjoyed as a family. Maybe you can start a Pizza Night tradition in your home?
The History of Pizza
Did you know pizza’s earliest roots can be traced back to Naples, Italy? That’s where the ancestor to pizza, focaccia was first made over 1000 years ago. Focaccia was the Italian baker’s snack. It was originally baked on a stone hearth and often included fresh grapes during the grape harvest. Many considered focaccia, “fast food” for the Italians.
So fast forward 1000 years and consider what pizza looks like today. We know it as a round shaped dough that is piled high with different sauces, vegetables, meats and cheeses forming what can be anywhere from an individual size of 4-6 inches, to large, super extra large pizzas in pizzerias. Indeed, the state of Iowa is responsible for yielding the largest pizza ever made. Can you believe it was 129 by 92 feet, and produced over 50,000 slices of pizza? Wow! That’s a pizza!
What kind of pizza do you like? Pizza lovers top their pies with all sorts of interesting toppings. We know about everything from olives and onions, to bacon and sardines. But did you ever think of putting squid and mayonnaise on your pizza like they do in Japan? Or coconut like they do in Costa Rica? Or crawfish like they do in New Orleans? No matter what the toppings are, pizza is loved all over the world.
So check out the recipe for Basic Whole Wheat Pizza in the book, Baking with Friends. Try the recipe, and make your own special toppings. You can create your very own recipe based on what we’ve provided for you – and be sure to let us know how it comes out. You never know, next year Bryan’s World Famous Pizza, or Stacy’s Delicious Pizza might be in pizzerias all over the country!
Check out these Mozzarella Mash resources provided by HBA Educator Award Winner Carla Schaer, Family & Consumer Sciences Teacher, Midland High School, IL with Sharon Davis, FCS Education,
Download Mozzarella Mash Lesson Plan
Download Mozzarella Mash Pizza Test
Download Mozzarella Mash Answer Key
Additional Pizza Resources
Try these delicious recipes from HBA Members
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