When you choose to bake a “shared” recipe, it’s great to know it came from Charlene Patton! Charlene is the Executive Director of the Home Baking Association and Consumer Media Consultant for the Kansas Soybean Commission. Add her expertise as a baking book author, recipe development and demonstrator, a degree in Family & Consumer Sciences and 4-H foods alumna and you are in good hands.

Photo provided by Charlene Patton and the Kansas Soybean Commission
Charlene shares the wealth gained from many generations of bakers. “I grew up in Kansas in a home filled with baking! Both of my grandmothers were awesome bakers and I loved learning both of their styles, recipes and more about my heritage. My mother, sister and I loved baking together. We were a 4-H family and my mother a 4-H foods leader. When I was in high school my Grandma Tressie moved into our home and I had the wonderful opportunity to bake side by side with her more often!
Post-graduation from Kansas State University, Charlene built a career that includes baking and recipe development. “The yeast dough recipe for these hot cross buns was originally from my Grandmother Tressie Kratina Uhl. She used this dough to make kolaches and other Czech pastries. I’ve modified Grandmother Tressie’s recipe to incorporate soy margarine and a soy flour blend I developed in my work with the Kansas Soybean Commission.” The soy flour blend boosts browning, protein, and tenderizes baked products.
Baking tips from Charlene:
- Prepare the soy flour blend of 7 cups all-purpose flour + 1 cup soy flour and use 1:1 for all-purpose flour in all your baking recipes.
- Brush the glaze lightly on the dried apricots strips to hold them in place on the buns.

“This wonderful soft dough is easy to handle for beginning bakers. The rewards of sharing baking with children is priceless and one I have enjoyed through the years teaching in 4-H, community programs, the Home Baking Association and with my 95-year-old mother, four daughters and six grandchildren! I encourage everyone to take time and share favorite recipes with family to keep passing your heritage on to the next generation! Check out the LEARN tab at HomeBaking.org at to get started.
Take a couple minutes and view Charlene baking Apricot Raisin Hot Cross Buns, Balloon Surprises and Leprechaun Rolls at HomeBaking.org and Kansassoybeans.org.
Thank you Kansas Soybean Commission for these valuable resources
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