
Whole Grain Sampling Day

Whole Grain Sampling Day

Whole Grain Sampling Day

The Home Baking Association loves to award bakers who share what they know with someone else!  Why not make make Whole Grain Sampling Day a part of your creative plans to teach OR share with a group of your favorite baked whole grain product and how you prepared it. 

Whole grain (WG) flours or meal may be milled from many different kinds of grains and must contain all the grain’s parts: bran, endosperm and germ. The grain may also be sprouted first, then milled. After milling, the product may be fine, coarse, rolled, cracked, flaked, stone ground or graham.

Check out this great resource, Whole Grain Baking 101

You may also love preparing and sharing with friends Whole Grain Cinnamon Nut Baby Biscotti

Find more great whole grain baking resources at The Whole Grains Council, www.wholegrainscouncil.org

Don’t miss sharing your winning plans by April 30th, 2020. Enter on-line at HomeBaking.org

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